
5 Most Realistic Ways The Shield vs. Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler could end at WWE Super Show-Down

The Hounds of Justice are all set to face the formidable new ‘alliance’ of Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler at WWE Super Show-Down in Melbourne, Australia a few weeks down the line. The riveting matchup has been officially announced by the WWE–with all 6 Superstars in question expected to feud with the rival faction in the days to come.

While multi-man (or woman) tag team matches in the WWE, as well as professional wrestling in general, are largely utilized as filler content on a card featuring marquee one-on-one matchups, the peculiar case of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns facing Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler could perhaps be classified as an exception to the norm. This is serious business, people!

Reigns presently holds the Universal title, the most prestigious title in WWE other than of course the WWE Championship which belongs to AJ Styles, and the fact that WWE has chosen to book its Universal Champion into a faction angle, just goes to show how much trust they have in The Shield as a box office attraction. Speaking of which, the WWE most definitely has to be extremely careful with the manner in which they handle the aforementioned 6-Man Tag Team Match…Today, we take a look at the 5 directions in which the WWE could end the all-important match at Super Show-Down…

#5 Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler dominate

Here’s the thing about dominant factions and their progression–Be it the nWo, Evolution or D-Generation X; every legendary stable eventually disintegrates…That’s, quite frankly, the nature of the business; the name of the game; and what could be the direction the WWE is moving in with The Shield.

After making a huge splash with their main roster debut in 2012, Ambrose, Rollins & Reigns went on to achieve considerable success as a team before Rollins turned on his Shield brethren in order to join The Authority in 2014. Now, while the trio ascended to great heights of success as singles competitors as well, the WWE chose to book The Shield to reunite last year–only for their run to be cut short due to an injury to Ambrose…Nevertheless, The Lunatic Fringe returned to action earlier this year, and The Shield is back together again.

The entire angle of The Hounds of Justice reuniting time and again only to fall apart has left somewhat of a dull impression of the group over the past several months. Well, the WWE could easily solve this issue for good, by having Strowman, McIntyre & Ziggler take advantage of an off-beat Shield who just can’t get their coordination as a team together–utterly annihilating and disbanding The Shield much like they did on the August 27th, 2018 episode of Monday Night RAW…

Source : Sportskeeda

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