
5 Surprises To Expect On The SmackDown Live After SummerSlam

SummerSlam was a show that was packed to the brim with events that reshaped the landscape of SmackDown Live. And I’m certain that the brand has changed forever following the event. WWE’s second brand will bring us the fourth straight day of action from Brooklyn. And much could happen during the show.

Do you think RAW became exciting following SummerSlam? Do you think SmackDown Live got short changed at the big event? Let us know in the comments below, dear readers.

I think a good ole surprise or two could certainly make SmackDown Live a very fun show, going forward. I will suggest five of them in this article.

Be sure to let me know some surprises that you may like to see on the show.

#5 The Undisputed ERA cost New Day their title match

Adam Cole lost to Ricochet in his first TakeOver title defense. While none can dispute that someone as talented as Ricochet deserves the title, the fact of the matter is that Cole may be on his way up. There were no call ups on RAW this week. This does not, however, mean that SmackDown Live will not see any call ups.

And I am certain that if Cole does come up, he will not be arriving alone. Cole may be on his way up with some heavy artillery. The Undisputed ERA may have big plans for SmackDown Live, and may want to take on their biggest threat in the division, The New Day.

There’s no better way to establish a faction as talented as The Undisputed ERA than with a full fledged program against The New Day. It will also give Woods, Big E and Kingston some fresh blood to work with, and make their act exciting once again.

#4 Harper turns on Rowan

There is a rumour doing the rounds that Erick Rowan was injured following his appearance at SummerSlam last night. This could lead to the dissolution of the Bludgeon Brothers on SmackDown Live. One way to achieve this could be to have Harper turn on Rowan and effectively go solo. It would certainly be a very interesting path to take for him.

Luke Harper has a lot of potential as a singles superstar, showing a dazzling display of moves that he cannot pull off as a member of this tag team unit. There is a lot of equity in having him change his gimmick completely and going solo soon. This is because the Bludgeon Brothers gimmick hasn’t exactly set the world on fire, really.

Maybe Rowan could return as a babyface, if Harper decides to go heel. Maybe he will be repackaged in a new gimmick.

#3 Wendy Styles sides with Samoa Joe against AJ!

Samoa Joe has been slowly but surely getting into the mind of AJ Styles. And maybe this makes AJ Styles lose his cool and go heel. This could see Wendy Styles become afraid to be with the man that she loves. And it may just cause her to turn on her own husband.

I would love to see this angle play out because I know that all the participants involved would play their parts perfectly. I just wonder if a family man like Styles will be okay with an angle of this nature.

#2 Aiden English viciously attacks Rusev

Aiden English was instructed not to interfere in the Mixed Tag match at SummerSlam. After all, every time he had come to the ring, he had cost Rusev and Lana their win. So he heeded their words and Rusev Day lost.

Maybe the frustration will finally get to Aiden English. Maybe it will cost him to turn on Rusev and take him out. He could certainly do with a heel turn.

This would firmly establish Rusev as a babyface. It would make the audience chanting ‘Rusev Day’ spur him on, organically.

#1 Bray Wyatt to come to Jeff Hardy’s assistance?

It is no secret that Matt Hardy is no longer fit to compete, and has been nursing an injury. Will Bray Wyatt embark on a solo run without Hardy? I can certainly see him reprise his original gimmick on RAW. However, this is yet another possibility for the man.

Maybe he aligns with Brother Nero on SmackDown Live instead. This would make for a very interesting pairing indeed. It would also freshen both characters up.

Moreover, Wyatt and Orton have unfinished business. And Orton will be taking on Jeff Hardy in one of the featured matches on SmackDown Live.

What do you think will happen on this week’s episode?

Source : Sportskeeda


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