
Best and Worst of RAW – 1st October, 2018

Last week, RAW scored the lowest number ever in terms of viewership, in all its years of existence. The company needed to bounce back with a bang and so it did, this week. I thought this week’s show was a very entertaining affair. That’s not to say that I genuinely liked all of it.

In this article, I shall separate the best from the worst, the good from the bad. However, let me say at the start that I did enjoy more than I did not. If WWE pulls off shows like this, there’s no reason why the numbers will decline with every passing week.

Let me know your thoughts about the show in the comments below. Do you echo my thoughts about this show being a memorable affair?

Here’s my analysis of the events that transpired on this week’s show…

#1 Best: Battle of the legends

My whole problem with the Triple H vs. The Undertaker program for Super Show-Down has been that there’s been far too much talk and not nearly enough action. Well, all of the talk was possibly building to the final segment of this week’s show, I guess.

I loved watching The Brothers of Destruction unite to take on DX. We know that match is coming our way in Crown Jewel, if rumours are indeed to be believed

The Brothers of Destruction easily overpowered DX in the ring on RAW. Will it be a different story when the men meet in Australia? We can only guess for now.

But this week’s closing segment got me invested in a match I wasn’t all that excited about, to be very honest. And I consider that a win from WWE’s perspective.

I’m sure a lot of the WWE Universe felt the same way.

#1 Worst: Baron Corbin’s stipulation

I do not like the idea that there will not be any title changes until Crown Jewel comes around. How different will Roman Reigns’ reign (no pun intended) be from Brock Lesnar’s run then? More importantly, why will a man who’s been having problems with The Shield enforce such a stipulation against Reigns? I don’t think this booking decision made any sense.

I think the writers need to revisit the script they wrote this week, and go over what they made Corbin say on camera. It makes him look like a man who doesn’t know what he’s doing!

#2 Best: Four great singles matches

All 3 members of The Shield are great singles stars. And this was displayed across three great matches this week- Ambrose vs. Strowman, Reigns vs. Ziggler and Rollins vs. McIntyre. I thought that all the men involved had great chemistry and each of them looked pretty strong.

I also thought Ronda Rousey had a good match against Ruby Riott. It’s great to see her competing on weekly television. Unlike a few other other UFC superstars, she is not just a pay-per-view attraction only.

Good wrestling has been in scarce supply on RAW in the past. This week was indeed a very different story.

#2 Worst: Konnor pinning Bobby Roode

Do you remember Bobby Roode on NXT, when he was the top dog in the promotion? Do you remember him on SmackDown Live when he was the United States Champion? These days, he’s losing matches to Konnor of The Ascension. I honestly think that WWE does not realize the goldmine they have in Roode!

Let’s genuinely hope that the heel turn comes our way soon. If not, Roode may not have too much of a career in WWE.

#3 Best: Nuclear heat from the crowd

One of the biggest complaints about the WWE product these days is how unenthusiastic the crowd is on most nights. I genuinely thought that the audience this week was amazing. Especially when Elias made the joke about The SuperSonics and they let him have it! Thanks to my colleague Greg Bush for the quick basketball lesson, that helped me appreciate the segment better.

I don’t remember the last time a crowd was as passionate as the one at RAW this week. Kevin Owens and Elias could not get a word in, because of the nuclear heat!

Source : Sportskeeda

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