
WWE Monday Night RAW Results

– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens live from the Schottenstein Center in Columbus, Ohio. Michael Cole invites us. He’s joined by Corey Graves and Renee Young, who is filling in for Jonathan Coachman as he’s away on task. WWE Monday Night RAW Results

– We go appropriate to the ring and out comes Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre as Braun’s music hits.

Braun takes the mic and says he has something he needs us to see again before he begins. We get a video bundle demonstrating Braun, Ziggler and McIntyre taking out The Shield a week ago. Braun says that is the thing that he calls equity. He endeavored to do this up close and personal, creature to-man. Every Roman Reign needed to do was take his beating yet he keeps running in a pack and his siblings needed to turn out and spare him, put a shield around him. Braun says Reigns realizes that without The Shield, the WWE Universal Title has a place with Braun. Braun says he needed to go in regards to things a little diversely and he doesn’t care the slightest bit if the general population like it or not. Braun says he has his very own pack now and he will indicate Reigns this is his yard. Braun says at Hell In a Cell he will destroy Reigns, break his soul, crush his spirit and take what’s legitimately his.

Drew takes the mic and needs everybody to investigate them. Drew says The Shield has had their chance yet now it’s finished. Drew says we’re taking a gander at the new rulers of the wilderness around here and they will devour The Shield’s grisly bodies. Ziggler says they will be the most prevailing power in WWE history. More overwhelming than The Nation of Domination, DX and The Shield. Ziggler says The Shield began this yet they will end it. The music hinders and we see The Shield in the group – Reigns, Dean Ambrose and WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins.

The Shield walks through the group to the ring. Acting RAW General Manager Baron Corbin shows up on the stage and draws out the RAW program to get in the middle of the opposite sides. The Shield takes out a cluster of RAW Superstars at ringside. The Shield encompasses the ring now as Braun, Ziggler and McIntyre look on. Corbin brings out more Superstars from the back however The Shield wards them off at ringside. The Shield hits the ring and a six-man fight breaks out. More Superstars rundown from the back now and the ring is brimming with bodies. The fight continues breaking out as Superstars attempt to keep them down. Braun, Ziggler and McIntyre are directed to the back while The Shield is held at ringside. Fans serenade “let them battle” now. The Shield breaks free and hurries to the back. We go to business.

Again from the break and we see what simply happened. The cameras cut backstage and security is engaged with separating the fight now. The Shield is stacked up into a police van and pulled far from the field.

The Bella Twins versus The Riott Squad

We return to the ring and The Riott Squad holds up – Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan and Ruby Riott. JoJo does the presentations. The Bella Twins, Nikki Bella and Brie Bella, are out next for their red image in-ring returns. We go appropriate back to business.

Again from the sever and Nikki begins with Liv. They insult each other and Nikki follows Liv however she hits the ropes. Logan labels in next as Ruby looks on from ringside. Logan and Nikki bolt up. Logan takes it to the ropes and works Bella over. Nikki brings Logan down for a 2 check and takes a shot at her arm straightaway. Nikki brings Logan withdraw and keeps her grounded by the arm. Logan maintains a strategic distance from the Rack Attack 2.0 and hammers Nikki. Logan holds Nikki around her arm now.

Nikki keeps control and brings Logan around her arm from the second rope. Logan kicks out at 2. Brie labels in for some twofold joining. They drop Logan and Brie covers for a 2 tally. Liv labels in and kicks Brie for a 2 tally. Liv keeps control and drops Brie with a knee, keeping her grounded with a hold. Liv talks some junk yet Brie shakes her with lower arms. Liv ducks a shot and drops Brie by her hair for a 2 tally. Logan labels back in and keeps control of Brie. Brie runs the ropes and hits a dropkick. Brie with the Yes Kicks to Logan now. Liv keeps running in however Brie dropkicks her. Brie goes into Brie Mode and conveys knees to Logan and after that Liv. Ruby gets on the cook’s garment for a diversion however Brie swings at her. This prompts Logan decking Brie and pulling her to the floor. Logan works over Brie and talks junk as we return to business.

Once again from the break and The Riott Squad stays in charge. Nikki at last gets the hot tag and empties as Liv likewise comes in. Nikki with more offense and a major kick out of the corner for a 2 consider Logan breaks the stick. Nikki hurls Logan to the floor. Ruby hits the smock yet Nikki decks her. Brie runs the ropes and terrains awful on a jump to Logan and Ruby. Liv and Nikki go at it however Liv can’t get the stick. Nikki hits the Rack Attack 2.0 for the stick.

Champs: The Bella Twins

– After the match, The Bella Twins stand tall amidst the ring as we get replays. The Riott Squad backs up the slope.

– We return to the commentators. Still to come, Shawn Michaels will be here. Likewise, main residence star Alexa Bliss faces Natalya and The B Team guards their titles against The Revival.

– Baron Corbin is backstage on the telephone with RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. Corbin says The Shield has been captured, The Bellas are back and RAW is on track. Corbin hangs up in the wake of expressing gratitude toward Stephanie. Finn Balor shows up and he’s all grins. They have words and Balor says Corbin needs to begin acting like a man. Balor needs his rematch with Corbin today around evening time to discover who the better man truly is. Corbin says Balor talks a decent diversion for a little person however he will quiets him down this evening. We go to business.

– Back from the break and Corbin versus Balor is affirmed for today around evening time. Cole discusses WWE supporting Connor’s Cure and Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month in September.

– Charly Caruso is backstage with Chad Gable and Bobby Roode. She asks what prompted this new organization. Peak says he watches out for everything that goes ahead around here and of late he’s been enamored by how Roode holds himself in the spotlight. Peak needed to take part in that and here we are.

Chad Gable and Bobby Roode versus The Ascension

We go to the ring and out comes Bobby Roode and Chad Gable to Roode’s music. The Ascension holds up in the ring.

Konnor takes the ring first and thumps Roode for not having the capacity to make it in the singles division. Konnor likewise disses Gable and snickers at him with Viktor. Viktor begins with Gable. Peak takes control from the get-go and hits German suplexes on the two adversaries. Peak labels in Roode and he runs at it with Viktor. Roode with offense and his very own suplex. Viktor rams Roode once more into the corner and in comes Konnor for a speedy twofold group. Konnor talks junk and pounds Roode. Viktor returns and keeps Roode grounded.

Viktor with more offense on Roode for a 2 tally. Konnor labels back in and drops a major elbow for a nearby 2 tally. Konnor keeps Roode grounded with a headlock now. Viktor labels back in for a brisk twofold group. Viktor with a 2 rely on Roode. Roode battles up and out. Peak labels in and Viktor doesn’t see it. Peak empties and hits a crossbody. Peak dropkicks Konnor off the cover and hits another suplex on Viktor. Peak with a cannonball from the smock to Konnor on the floor. Peak goes up best and dropkicks Viktor in the face. Peak keeps control and hits the extension German suplex for the stick.

Champs: Chad Gable and Bobby Roode

– After the match, Roode enters the ring and gets started up when raising Gable’s arm. Peak’s music plays as we go to replays. Roode and Gable appear to be extremely energized.

– Elias is backstage conversing with a staff member. He strolls off and we go to business.

Over from the break and Elias is in the ring with a guitar.

Elias presents himself and begins playing. He sings about getting hit by WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus a week ago and welcomes everybody to tail him to the guarantee arrive. Elias requests that who needs stroll with him. He goes ahead about Trish and says she simply humiliated herself a week ago. Elias goes on and begins taking shots at Columbus, at that point Ohio State. The music hinders and out comes main residence star Alexa Bliss to a pop. Mickie James and Alicia Fox are with her.

Euphoria reminds Elias how she’s from Columbus and graduated secondary school in this very building. She does the Ohio State serenade and fans oblige. Euphoria at that point turns and calls them thoughtless sheep. Delight says everything Elias said in regards to the place where she grew up is 100% valid and she couldn’t move out of this dump sufficiently quick. She goes on and specifies today around evening time’s match with Natalya, the Evolution coordinate with Trish and the Hell In a Cell coordinate with RAW Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey. Happiness requests that Elias play the tune he was going to perform in light of the fact that she needs to stroll with Elias. Elias begins playing however Rousey’s music hinders and out she comes. Rousey looks out for the incline and out next comes Natalya. They make a beeline for the ring together. Happiness and her group look on as Natalya talks system with Rousey. Back to business.

Natalya versus Alexa Bliss

Once again from the break and the match is in progress. Euphoria plays diversions and takes control. Natalya brings Bliss down into an armbar as Rousey roots for her. They tangle on the tangle a few. Natalya gets a kick and mounts some offense.

Natalya hurls Bliss and hits the storm cellar dropkick for a 2 tally. Joy rocks Natalya with a major right hand. Happiness goes to take a shot at Natalya in the corner now. The ref cautions her, enabling Fox and James to get a couple of unfair attacks in. Ecstasy drops Natalya with a DDT and insults Rousey. Joy gazes at Rousey and applies the armbar to Natalya amidst the ring. Natalya taps out.

Champ: Alexa Bliss

– After the match, Bliss keeps the hold connected until the point that Rousey enters the ring. Euphoria endeavors to return however Rousey gets her. Fox and James keep running in for the triple group yet Rousey fends them off. Delight takes out Rousey’s knee from behind. Joy conveys Rousey to the floor and sends her into the steel ring steps. Rapture brings it once more into the ring yet Rousey battles back, sending Bliss out of the ring. Rousey keeps an eye on Natalya while Bliss, Fox and James back up the slope. Rousey’s music hits as the opposite sides gaze each other down.

– We get a glance at the opening section with The Shield, Strowman, Ziggler and McIntyre. Mike Rome is at the nearby police region and has detailed that The Shield were fingerprinted and booked.

– Baron Corbin is backstage hollering at a staff member. Strowman, Ziggler and McIntyre come in. Strowman recommends Corbin discover them some opposition. Ziggler says they aren’t asking since this is their show. Ziggler needs a RAW Tag Team Title shot with Drew against The B Team however Corbin says they’ve just advanced the match with The Revival versus The B Team. It sounds like Ziggler and McIntyre are taken off to assault The Revival so they can’t contend. Braun gazes intently at Corbin. Braun recommends Corbin carry out his activity this evening and discover him some opposition.

– Still to come, Shawn Michaels will be here. Additionally, The Revival versus The B Team for the titles

– Charly Caruso is backstage with The Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder. They begin discussing The B Team however in comes McIntyre and Ziggler with an assault. They devastate Dawson and Wilder, at that point stroll off. We go to business.

Crude Tag Team Title Match: Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler versus The B Team

Once again from the break and out comes RAW Tag Team Champions The B Team, Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. The Revival’s music hits straightaway however they aren’t turning out. JoJo reports them again however here comes Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler.

Drew begins off with an underhanded move to Dallas and shots to Axel. Drew hurls Axel over the ring and labels in Ziggler for some twofold joining. Dallas pulls the rope down and sends Drew to the floor. Axel with stick endeavors on Ziggler. The B Team keeps control and sends their adversaries out of the ring as we go to business.

Once more from the break and Drew is responsible for Dallas. Fans rally for Dallas however Drew cuts him withdraw. Ziggler comes in and holds Dallas down. Dallas battles back yet Ziggler kicks him in the gut and afterward dropkicks him in the face. Ziggler with a 2 check. Stepped labels back in and beats Dallas into the corner. McIntyre with cleaves and waste talking while Dallas is set on the best. Dallas battles back and nails a tornado DDT.

Attracted attempts to stop a label now. Dallas counters a move and hits a neckbreaker. Axel and Ziggler tag in the meantime. Axel empties and gets started up. Axel gets the B Team serenade going. Axel hinders a counter and hits the Perfect-plex yet Drew splits the stick up. Drew pummels Axel however Dallas digs out from a deficit and beats on him. Drew sends Dallas confront first into the corner. The official backs Drew out of the ring. Ziggler goes to tag however Axel moves him up for a 2 tally. Ziggler superkicks Axel and spreads him out. Stepped labels back in for the Zig Zag – Claymore combo. Drew covers for the win and the titles.

Victors and New RAW Tag Team Champions: Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler

– After the match, McIntyre and Ziggler stand tall with the titles as their music hits. We go to replays.

– We see WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick backstage strolling with The Authors of Pain. He’s wearing indistinguishable rigging from Akam and Rezar.

– Cole drives us to a video for WWE’s new Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month battle.




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