
Braun Strowman News: Major Update On The WWE Superstar’s Injury

What’s the rumour?

Braun Strowman gave the WWE Universe an update on his injury with a video message on Monday Night RAW. The Monster Among Men released a video and showed the bruise on his arm.

In case you didn’t know…

Braun Strowman was annihilated by Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley on RAW last week during their six-man tag team match. The trio took turns to beat up the monster and it ended with “General Manager-Elect” Corbin crushing Braun’s elbow with the steel steps.

Meanwhile, the injury has brought a big change to the Mixed Match Challenge as well. Embre Moon will now be teaming up with Curt Hawkings – 2nd change for the same team after Ember replaced Alexia Bliss just before this season’s MMC began.

The heart of the matter

There is no official word yet on how long Strowman is set to be out but rumours suggest that it could be 3-4 weeks. Both the injury and surgery are legit and it is reportedly worse than first thought.

Braun needed the surgery to repair bone spurs in his right elbow. The superstar said that the doctors are working hard to get him fit for the TLC match but rumours suggest that WWE are getting a backup plan ready, just in case Strowman isn’t fit by December 16th.

Reports in ProWrestling Sheet, Strowman’s injury became worse after his involvement in the Survivor Series match.

What’s next?

TLC is scheduled for December 16th and Strowman is in a race against time to be fit for the match. The stakes are high for the match as a win would give Braun a chance at the WWE Universal Championship again while a win for Corbin would make him the permanent General manager of Monday Night RAW.

Source : Sportskeeda

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