
How bad will your allergies be effective in this spring

If you see a lot of pollen or do not realize the hot air, then allergic weather is here. How bad will your allergies be effective in this spring.

In Atlanta and Philadelphia, American Allergy Academy, according to asthma, the amount of pollen polluted in the area has reached a very high level.

And this is not just the eastern side of the country, which has pollen issues. Despite being in the desert in Las Vegas, there is a high concentration of trees and weed pollen.

So what affects the allergy season? In your winter season All-year weather can affect the severity of allergies.

“Mild winters continue to affect spring allergies. Trims are able to pollinate for the first time and for long, increase the allergic season for several weeks, “Kenneth Mendez, President and CEO of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America told the Healthline.

Climatic temperature means that after a hard winter the plants can start blossoming before and at one time.

“The winter and early spring of this year is hotter than the average,” Board of Certified Allergy Expert Stacey Galovitz, on ETT said,

Generally in the spring, the first allergen tree is pollinated, after that there is grass pollen in late spring and early summer, and then there is weed pollen in the fall, Gallovitz explained. Tree pollen usually begins in late winter (beginning of February / early March) and can last until late spring (till the end of June). The month of May is particularly troublesome for people because grass pollination begins at the peak, while tree pollen is concurrently high.

He said that the level of pollen is increasing all over the world, and climate change normally affects the weather, which affects the allergy season.

A long winter may also mean that the trees bloom later, but the beginning of spring means that there may be sudden fluctuation of pollen at one time, as per Accuweather predicted for the Midwest and the Northeast. is.

Prevent pollen
Dr. Yeon Cho, an assistant professor of otolarynology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, said that it is important to know that you are allergic to know the symptoms. To identify specific allergies, consult an allergy specialist or specialist of ear, nose and throat, then you can work to treat them.

Some methods of preventing the risk of pollen include limiting external exposure, if the amount of pollination is often high. Quality air filters in your home can also help, such as high-efficiency particle sucking (HEPA) filters.

There are ways to reduce pollen in your home, including cleaning your house, washing your bed in hot soapy water and drying inside the house.

When you go out and return home, then reduce the chances of pollen on the clothes spread in the house by changing your clothes.

Starting an allergy medicine – even if you are not experiencing symptoms, but know that you have a good step. Cho said in a statement, it can prevent your body from releasing chemicals including histamine, which cause symptoms of allergic reactions.

Treatment of allergies
“Unfortunately there are not many new ways to get relief from allergies,” said Gallovitt.

While there are many options for treating allergies – such as antihistamine, nasal steroid spray, and antihistamine nose spray – the standard of living for allergy sufferers is allergy shots or allergen immunotherapy. Shots work by exposing the low dose of allergic to the immune system.

“Some pollination, such as grass and ragweed pollen, can be treated with oral medicines, but allergic shots are more effective for tree pollen,” he said.

Gallovitz said that the nasal steroids, which are available on the counter, are the best medicine for regular use in the pollen season.

“It is best used when the pollen season is started before March,” she said.

Nasal steroids can be used alone or in combination with oral non-sedating antihistamines. Ketopieten eye drops are also available on the counter for treatment of eye-related symptoms, but first discuss with an allergic specialist what medication or combination is best for you.

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Another way to treat allergies without combining or medication is to rinse the nose path with saline. It straightens the mucus and allergies out of the nose, and can provide some relief.

Source : healthline

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