
Junior dos Santos Explains Why He Wants A Rematch Against Francis Ngannou

Junior dos Santos and Francis Ngannou battled not long ago at UFC Minneapolis. There, it was Ngannou who thumped out the previous UFC heavyweight champion in the first round. Junior dos Santos Explains Why He Wants A Rematch Against Francis Ngannou.

The battle was over rapidly as Ngannou won the battle in only 71 seconds. However, Junior dos Santos accepts he didn’t exhibit his full range of abilities and needs a rematch against the Cameroonian-heavyweight.

“Man, look,” dos Santos said to MMA Fighting (h/t “I was battling against a major person, everyone is discussing the intensity of Ngannou. I realized he had a ton of intensity, yet toward the start of the battle, I felt so great. He kicked me twice, I hindered the kicks twice. I kicked him twice again — one of the kicks he went down, the other one he fell. At that point I punched him on the body and his eyes were somewhat open.

“My technique wasn’t to attempt to thump him out toward the start, it was to move a great deal and toss a ton of punches and cause him to tail me, make it a more drawn out battle. However, at that point I felt so great, and I saw him start putting his arms down, and I said ‘gracious my gosh, this is my time.’ And I tossed that overhand right, and that was the greatest misstep.

“That wasn’t a piece of the methodology,” dos Santos proceeded. “That presented me to his punches. He has a long reach, everyone realizes that. I put all my capacity on that overhand right. What’s more, when I completed the punch, he associated a little punch directly on my ear. I ought to have returned from the punch, gone in reverse, yet I proved unable. I gave my back to him, and he continued punching, and he won the battle.

“I’m not removing anything from him, yet it was a fortunate punch. When I state fortunate, there’s a major mix-up in the battle world. In some cases you state a person won since he’s fortunate. It doesn’t amount to nothing terrible. Being fortunate implies that you’re taking some [action], you’re accomplishing something positive, at that point karma can contact you, can discover you. So being fortunate is something significant, something bravo.

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“He appreciated the minute and he completed the battle, yet he’s worse than me.”

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