
Slowley Kastamandup is rising

The seventh century, which was wrecked in the Mahabhakump of Vishakh-12, 2072. Soon there was a rebuilding voice, but three years later, the problem was resolved. Slowley Kastamandup is rising.

The dispute was not seen in this period of the Hanuman Duruka court area, which was rebuilding since April 31 last year. It is considered as a sample in the rebuilding after earthquake.

Kantmundap reconstruction work has been carried out through the local consumer committee. It will take three years to rebuild. Four main pillars have been stuck in the first one year. After the completion of the work, the main work has been started by special worship of Tham and Nina in 27th.

Now in the second, third and fourth enclosures respectively, it will be stuck. Thousands listed in the World Heritage list will be rebuilding this heritage in the old format.

The Kathmandu Metropolitan Municipality has given Rs. 550 crores to the Kantmundra rebuilding committee. According to the committee, spending expenditure of 32.2 million has been spent.

The first floor till Asar

After the destructive earthquake, Kalamendip, who had long been controversial, had made a mistake. Now the local committee committee is working on financial assistance and monitoring of Metropolitan Municipality.

Many rebuilding heritage is controversial. The reconstruction of the heritage has been a source of ruin, such as the development of original forms, concrete.

This is not the case in Kendarmandrap. State President, who is the Reconstruction Committee, has worked as the drawing / design of the Rajya Sabha member, Rajesh Shakya Archeology department. “We do not have to say,” he said.

There will be 100 pounds in Khelmundap of four enclosures. The first round is 25 fidelities, which are rooted in the last quarter and worship the resolution. In the second enclosure, 32 stamps will be fixed. On the third and fourth row, one and one rates will be kept 28 and 36 respectively.

The second round will be 12 feet, 15 in the third row and 12 feet high at the fourth round. All will be billed by the bull. The main pillars are raised and placed on it the lionmokhi and shankhochi meth. It has also been done to keep the original nudges on the meth.

According to Kendarmandra rebuilding director, Manendra Shrestha, the copper leaves were found below the main pillars and above. He said that the construction of copper leaves will be kept in all the stages.

The carpets are now working on the other side of the circle and meth. Gautam Dongol, secretary of the Reconstruction Committee, said that the issues kept in the second enclosure were ready.

The wooden work is being carried out at the old District Police Office premises in the north-west of the Hanumanhoka court. Woodworks will have to work a lot while building a brimstone.

Second, the third and third circle work is done after the completion of the work. The second round will be Garo Dalin. Chief Shrestha, the project will be very challenging. He said that because of the need to be made in combination with many pillows, skin, it is sensitive to Gararo’s work.

The third and fourth circle of the earthquake will not be darkened. Between the second and the third enclosure there will be a wound around it, and it will be gained in it. After three rings and four corners of the garbage, three floors will be covered.

The carpenters are making four pillars of the third circle, the turquoise of the turban, the bullet windows and the doors on the ground floor.

By the end, there is a plan to work on the first floor. “It is not too early to do this,” says Chief Shrestha, “Work is slow, even though it is slow, can be reached till Asar.”

Heritage Undefined Lands

After the earthquake there was a dispute over the foundations of many of the restructured heritage sites. When one another made the foundation a new one, the other reason did not have to be used. There was no dispute in Kendarmandrap.

Pvt. In a specialist group under the reconstruction committee. Dr. In the presence of Premnath Maski, the Regentant Structural Technique had made a ‘Temping Test’ by putting 10 kilograms covered in the area where the technicians were not excavated in the middle of Kantmundap. Based on this test, the Earth’s foundation of the Kendandundap was strengthened. Then the University of Durham University and Archeology did a detailed study on the foundation of Kachmundap. The decision was made to rebuild the foundation based on studies.

The soil and Coal test of the ground in the laboratory of Stirling University of Britain, had found a discovery made in the Kantmundap seventh century. Kantmundap was earlier believed in the 12th century.

Barkid wood, cavity stone

Bracket is considered to be made of wooden wooden tree. Dangol said that construction of construction projects could be reused by about 15 percent of old wood.

According to him, 17 thousand 58 cubic fitted wood will be required for construction of Kantmundap. Nepal has been compromised with the Timber of Corporation (TCN) for that.

TCN has provided wooden cargo for two thousand 469 cubits. Dangol said that the woods brought from Bardivas spent $ 1.2 million. The stone has been crushed from Kavre. Mud Rani Pokharari and Tahachal are running.

According to Dungol, there is a possibility of two million rupees of brick flour in small scale construction of Kendarmund. Large size 27 thousand 768 and small 7 thousand 330 masterpieces have been brought.

Chronograph history

The world-famous Yo Kothandrap was associated with the Hindu Nath community. There were also those who associated with Buddhism. But, meaningful and meaningful usage of patriarchs, not only a religious religion nor a single religion adds.

Thus, ‘Karbon Detention’ test by Dhamham University has been fictionalized by Kimdinti, which has become Kantmundap from the same year’s tree in King Lakshimar Singh Singh Malla. The test proved to be the fifth position above the mainstream Kendemandrap, the seventh of the inner world, and the foundation of that foundation made of ninth century.

Research has confirmed Kendarmunde in two phases. Sattal-Castemapap) has been reported in the research report of the Durham University, about two thousand years ago, before the construction.

The report considered Kantmundap as one of the oldest and largest public places in the valley. The name of the Valley is considered from Kathmandu to Kendarmand.

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Every 1 afternoon there is a tradition of annual worship (Budapest) in Kendrimandap. In the sultan’s establishment days, the Jopu Gupti has been playing the role of ego.

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