
why we have no birth control pill for man

The idea of ​​male birth control pill can be like an innovation, but it is not.

For the past half century, researchers have studied various hormonal medicines in view of that extraordinary purpose.

Nobody ever reached the market.

Drug companies are clearly not interested in them. Maybe there are men too.

But the gap between the development of female and male hormonal contraception is far more complex, driven by social causes and scientific people.

Why men do not have ‘bullet’
The way a large part of male hormonal birth control is reversed is simple.

The “tablet” hormone combines estrogen and progestin and is capable of preventing pregnancy in women. First approved in 1960 by the Food and Drug Administration, it was more revolutionary than any person’s imagination.

The popularity and efficacy of the contraceptive pill, however, was also an unintended consequence of strengthening the role of women in the role of the contraceptive load carriers.

In the shadow of such a monumental development in human reproduction, a man’s birth control pill may seem almost redundant.

But since the years, researchers have said that not only this kind of medicine will meet an unequal requirement – that is, another effective method of reducing unplanned pregnancy – but in the end it will also correct the burden of contraception on women.

You have not seen male birth control this year or next month on the store shelf. But researchers hope that you will be in the next decade.

experimental research
Promising new research has shown the safety of many new formulations of male contraception, in which two oral yoga (bullets) and one occasional prison are involved.

The first pill, demethandrolone incinonate (DMAU) has passed human safety tests. So is another novel drug, which is known as 11-beta-MNTDC.

However, both DMAU and 11-Beta are still relatively young in their growth cycle.

A combination of hormone progestin and testosterone, together with a topical gel form known as NES / T, is quite ahead together. Not only has this passed the safety test, but in the long run, the duo tests are underway to test its efficacy in the form of contraception in the long run.

The goal of those tests is for joints which ultimately only use NES / T as the only form of their contraceptive

“Fundamentally, they rely on the same things that depend on female hormonal contraception: exogenous hormones, as opposed to testosterone estrogen, plus progestin,” Dr. Stephanie Page said, a professor of medicine at the University of Washington, University of Medicine.

“What it does, it blocks the signal from the brain, in this case for the testicle, which means that the testicles stop the production of testosterone, and without the high amount of testosterone in the testicle, the sperm is not mature.

But interference with testosterone has proved to be difficult, and interference with hormones in men or women has side effects.

For female contraceptives, this means increasing weight and mood, more serious effects, such as high cholesterol and blood clots.

For male contraceptives, this can mean things like erectile dysfunction and low libido, which is a serious matter for development.

“The issue was that whenever the attempt was made to come with medication, the side effects profile was very demanding or doing. Mainly decreased libido, increase in erectile dysfunction – which basically goes hand in hand with the same hormone [such as] testosterone, which is responsible for sperm production, “Dr. Tomar Singer, reproduction of breeding cocks Director and Infertility in Lennox Hill told the Healthline in New York City, Healthline.

The possibility of a breakthrough
However, recent research on the 11-beta may help to overcome the fear of side effects.

In a small test of 40 participants, only five men reported a light sex drive. Two mild erectile dysfunction reported. Due to these side effects no participant stopped taking medication.

“It is very, very confident, because essentially if most of them were able to bear it, then every man has to decide the risk and profit and choose himself whether to use it or not,” singer Said, mentioning those results.

For men seeking contraceptive methods, options have become limited. Of course, there are condoms, and the male sterilization is on the other side of the spectrum. This surgical procedure is designed to be very effective, but it is also permanent.

A hormonal contraceptive for men is designed to meet in between: offering highly effective contraceptives during reversal.

And there are many possible causes of men’s interest. For single men, this could mean more control and autonomy on their sexual life. For couples, it offers new options for sharing responsibility.

“There are a lot of men who feel they want to be a part of it. They want to be a contributor. They want to share the burden of contraception. So, a lot of people are ready for this, so to speak, “said Page.

Male contraceptive also provides a practical solution to the problem, which shows no signs of going away: unexpected pregnancy. In the United States, almost half of pregnancies are unplanned.

“This is the real issue in American and around the world,” the singer said.

“Despite the fact that many options are available for women … we still have a problem. Unplanned pregnancy is a huge health, emotional and financial burden for the world. The page has a clear requirement, “said the page.

Even so, the option for men is probably years away. Before going to any of the existing drugs, they must first go through a rigorous test on a massive scale.

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Contraception also has more time than some other medicines because they have to work continuously. This means that these drugs need to be used for one or two years before being effective.

“We think it will be a decade, and it is actually done with the fact that we have more work to do.” The tests which will need to be done according to their nature, will take some time. “

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