
WWE Mixed Match Challenge Results: October 9th, 2018

Finn Balor and Bayley earned a hard-fought victory last night on Monday Night Raw in a bout against Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox. Tonight, both teams had the chance to earn first place, advancing to 2-0.

B’N’B vs Monster Eclipse

Ember Moon and Bayley began the match, much to a disgruntled crowd who wanted to see both Balor and Braun go head to head.

Ember had the advantage early, knocking Bayley to her feet and countering out of an arm drag to one of her own. However, the Hugger took back over, overpowering Ember Moon. Moon opted to tag in Braun Strowman, forcing Finn Balor into the match.

Balor began to chop down Strowman like a redwood, then assisted Bayley in a hurricanrana on Ember Moon. Balor continued to strike Strowman, but the Monster Among Men would finally capture the first Universal Champion, beating him down into the mat.

Finn attempted to escape Strowman’s hands, but the latest Mr. MITB was proved too powerful for Balor to handle. Strowman slung Balor repeatedly into the corner, leaving him laying in the middle of the ring.

Strowman brought Balor over to the corner of Monster Eclipse, pelting him with headbutts and boots to the face. The Monster Among Men went for the powerslam, but Balor escaped, only to be driven into the corner once again.

Bayley cheered on her partner, who finally dodged Strowman, allowing Bayley to be tagged in. The former Raw Women’s Champion came in on fire, lighting up Ember Moon and dropping her with a stunner in the ropes.

Ember would take back over with a gruesome gutbuster followed by a hip attack to the corner. Bayley would attempt to cut Ember’s momentum off, but a springboard crossbody from Moon nearly gave the victory to Monster Eclipse.

Moon and Bayley traded blows until a kicking combination ending in an enziguiri took Bayley to her knees.

Moon attempted the Eclipse but was cut off by Bayley, who planted Moon in the middle of the ring with the Bayley-to-Belly.

Braun broke up the pin by dragging Moon to his corner, tagging himself in. A groggy Finn Balor avoided Strowman, who drove himself shoulder first into the corner.

Balor landed a diving stomp onto the back of Strowman, but when he went for the Coup de Grace, Strowman avoided and finished the match with a powerslam.

Results: Monster Eclipse defeated B’N’B via pinfall.

After the bout, Moon and Strowman argued about the match, with Moon claiming that Strowman could have ended the match faster.

Prior to the next match, it was revealed that Kevin Owens has been taken out of the Mixed Match Challenge thanks to Bobby Lashley’s attack on Monday Night Raw. Therefore, Natalya will need a new partner when she faces Country Strong (Bobby Lashley & Mickie James) next week.

Fabulous Truth vs Fenomenal Flair

Fabulous Truth seemed to have an easy night ahead of them, as an injured Charlotte would leave Fenomenal Flair a little hindered tonight.

As the bell rang, both teams began playing to the crowd, working the “What’s Up” and “Wooo” chants. R-Truth and AJ Styles began the match, in a battle of former NWA Champions.

Both men began dancing, before tagging in Carmella and Charlotte for the dance break.

Charlotte attempted to twerk again, leading to AJ Styles stopping the Queen. Carmella and R-Truth pulled off double splits.

As Charlotte landed a split, the crowd waited for Styles to join the fun. Styles couldn’t quite complete it, though, and as he complained to Charlotte, Carmella took her out with a tilt a-whirl-headscissors.

Charlotte took Carmella down with a chop, forcing the former SmackDown Women’s Champion to the outside. Mella ran around the outside of the ring, being chased by Charlotte. Eventually. She would be caught but would block the Figure-4 Leglock, rolling to the outside.

A basement dropkick would knock her to the ground, and Charlotte would follow up with a back suplex on the inside. Charlotte attempted a pin, but Carmella locked her in the Code of Silence.

Charlotte went to break out, but Carmella turned it into a pinning attempt. Charlotte broke out, and both she and Carmella tagged in AJ and Truth.

AJ quickly took out Truth, leveling him with the ushigoroshi/fireman’s carry neckbreaker. Carmella broke up the pin, allowing Truth to land the Axe Kick on Styles. The WWE Champion was almost pinned, but Charlotte dragged Truth off of him.

Charlotte was met with a superkick from Carmella for her trouble. Styles went for the Styles Clash, but Truth would counter into a back body drop, which Styles turned into a roll-up pin for the win.

Results: Fenomenal Flair defeated Fabulous Truth via pinfall.

Just like Monster Eclipse earlier, Fenomenal Flair advances to 2-0, while the Fabulous Truth dropped to 0-2.

Team Awe-Ska will take on Ravishing Rusev Day next week in an attempt to join Fenomenal Flair at 2-0.

Source : Sportskeeda

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