
Video: The fighter who ‘slapped’ Conor McGregor during UFC 229 ambush now bragging on social media

I’m not sure if getting kicked out of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is cause for celebration, but deposed featherweight Zubaira Tukhugov, teammate of lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov, seems to be pretty proud of himself for jumping into the Octagon last night and slapping Conor McGregor.

The assault was retaliation for McGregor’s Brooklyn bus attack last April, which was in itself retaliation for Nurmagomedov clowning Artem Lobov on camera for talking shit. I don’t know where we go from here in terms of revenge, but I’m reminded of the old Bugs Bunny vs. Marvin Martian gag where they keep pulling out bigger weapons until the planet explodes.

Maybe Team Nurmagomedov and Team McGregor can just settle this like the Jets and the Sharks by having a big dance off? We can even have promotion president Dana White be the hapless Officer Krupke and of course all the boys from Dagestan can break out into a big musical number.

Officer Dana, you’ve done it again!
Khabib don’t need a job, he needs a year in the pen!
It ain’t just a question of misunderstood,
Deep down inside him, he’s no good!

I’m no good!

We’re no good, we’re no good,
We’re no earthly good
Like the bessssst of us is no damn good!

Tukhugov — expected to battle Lobov at UFC Fight Night 138 — may no longer be employed by UFC, but he may still be facing disciplinary action from Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC), along with “The Eagle,” who may or not be stripped of his 155-pound title in the coming weeks.

Still lots of missing pieces to this puzzle.

Source : mmamania

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