
WWE RAW Results August 27th 2018, latest Monday Night Raw winners, video highlights

Roman Reigns came out and issued an open challenge for the Universal Championship and Braun Strowman showed up. He said he’ll face Roman inside the steel cage at Hell in a Cell. Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre came out to challenge Roman as well.

Acting RAW GM Baron Corbin came out and set up a title match between Braun and Roman at Hell in a Cell while tonight’s main event was Ziggler and McIntyre vs. Braun and Roman. He also set up a match between himself and Finn Balor.

Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin

Corbin took control early and the crowd chanted “You can’t wrestle”. We returned from commercials to see Balor in a hold. Finn hit a slingblade but took a Deep Six for a near fall. Balor returned the favour with a huge dive over the ropes. Balor then hit a Coupe de Grace but Corbin used a steel chair earning a DQ loss for himself.

Corbin then took a mic and said that he forgot to mention it was a no DQ match and asked the ref to restart it. Corbin then attacked Balor with the same chair and hit the End of Days to get the pinfall.

Titus Worldwide cut a promo backstage where Titus told Dana it would be a good idea to face Sasha Banks.

Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks

The match went back and forth for a few minutes before Sasha hit a backstabber. The Boss locked in the Banks Statement and got a quick victory over Dana. Titus and Crews came to the ring after the match to help Brook as Bayley and Banks walked away.

Result: Sasha Banks def. Dana Brooke

Seth Rollins came out and issued an open challenge for the Intercontinental Championship and Kevin Owens answered the call.

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Kevin Owens – Intercontinental Championship match

Rollins hit a huge leg drop while KO was stuck in the ropes as we headed to commercials. We returned to see Rollins in a hold and KO was in control. KO resumed with the assault but missed a cannonball and went into the barricade.

Rollins hit a suicide dive but KO blocked the second one. Rollins fought him off and hit another Suicide Dive as we cut for commercials. Rollins missed the spear and KO locked in a crossface. Rollins fought out of it and KO landed a barrage of right hooks to Seth who was down.

KO hit a stunner for a near fall. Rollins came back with a Sunset Flip to a bucklebomb and KO stopped him with a Superkick. Rollins with a step up Enzugiri KO missed the moonsault and Rollins hit a curb stomp for the victory.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Kevin Owens and retained the Intercontinental Championship

Braun Strowman cashed in his contract backstage to GM Corbin and they set up his match against Roman at Hell in a Cell.

In the ring, KO said I Quit, and left. Did he just announce his retirement?

The B Team vs. The Revival

Dallas blocked a tornado DDT and hit a neckbreaker. Dallas hit Dawson with a finisher before Axle was tagged in. Dawson hit his finisher on Axle and got the pinfall. With that, the B Team’s winning streak came to an end albeit in a non-title match.

Result: The Revival def. The B Team

Elias gets interrupted by Trish Stratus

Elias was in the ring and did his usual bit and the crowd wasn’t having it. He then name-dropped Drake and called Toronto a bottom-feeding city.

Trish Stratus made a surprising return and said she was real fan of Elias’ music, but she wouldn’t let him trash on her Hometown. She then hyped Evolution and her match against Alexa Bliss at the PPV.

Elias was still talking and Trish slapped him before sending him out as Natalya and Ronda Rousey made their entrance. Alexa came out with Foxy and wanted a rematch against Rousey but not in Toronto.

Source  : Sportskeeda


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